Looking for Dahlia Bee Products?

Looking for Dahlia Bee Products?

Order products on our brand new online store hosted by Storenvy!

If you have a particular skin ailment you are trying to treat, or have a particular scent you like, custom products can be negotiated. Contact me by email for details.

Please note that while my products are effective they are not a substitute for medical attention. If you have serious skin problems you should consult a physician, especially if those problems are potentially life threatening.

For updates on events we will be attending, as well as interesting sources and articles about the science behind Dahlia Bee products, please visit our Facebook Page.

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Grand Opening on Storenvy

We are pleased to announce the grand opening of our  online store, hosted by Storenvy. Start shopping now to get orders by Christmas.  You can still contact me via email for custom orders.

We are so grateful to the love and support we have been shown up to this point.  You helped us get here!